Certifications & Safety

Quality is always our goal – safety and certifications are the means to that goal. You put the products that lead to your success in our hands, and we value the trust you put in us. To underpin our commitment to excellence, we commit to obtaining and maintaining the appropriate logistics certifications to support your business. We hold ourselves to a high standard, and the below independent certifications reflect that.

Our Quality Management team includes a central Quality Officer as well as officers at each location. We also integrate every employee into the processes of Quality Management and Continual Improvement

Our Services


Our Quality Measures

  • Quality Management systems according to international standards
  • Use of Quality Management tools, including auditing, quality circles, FMEA, etc.
  • Focus on customer and employee success factors
  • Ongoing technology improvement
  • Regular audits for continual process improvement
  • Ongoing partner performance reviews

Our Logistics Certifications

Certifications are individually tailored to meet your requirements and industry needs. We hold a ourselves to a high standard, and the below independent certifications reflect that.

Matrix Certification ISO 9001: 2015

This is to certify that Rudolph Logistics Group with the organizational units/sites as listed has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System.

Certification VDA 6.2

This is to certify that Rudolph Logistics Group has implemented a Quality Management System that fulfills the requirements of the German Association of the Automotive Industry VDA 6.2 standard.

Matrix Certification DIN ISO 14001: 2015

This is to certify that Rudolph Logistics Group with the organizational units/sites as listed has implemented and maintains an Environmental Management System.


Certification DIN ISO 45001: 2018

This is to certify that Rudolph Logistics Group with the organizational units/sites as listed has implemented and maintains an Occupational Health and Safety Management System.



Rudolph CrossDock GmbH, Kassel is certified as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO-F).

Matrix DIN ISO 50001: 2018

This is to certify that Rudolph Logistics Group with the organizational units/sites as listed has implemented and maintains an Energy Management System.



For the Rudolph Logistik Gruppe SE & Co. KG confidentiality, availability and integrity of information have great value. The result of our TISAX assessment is exclusively retrievable over the ENX Portal. For further information:

Additional Certifications

  • Regulated agent
  • Zugelassener Wirtschaftsbeteiligter (AEO)
  • BCS Öko Garantie Bescheinigung
  • TAPA FSR Stufe C

Want to know more about our

3PL supply chain certifications?